
entries shown: 13

argparse free and open-source Python module that facilitates use of command line arguments with Python scripts
Boost large, well-maintained set of C++ libraries
C++ low-level, compiled programming language
GNU Compiler Collection widely-used free and open-source C/C++ compiler
GNU Make free and open-source build automation tool for C/C++ software projects
GNU Scientific Library free and open-source C/C++ library for heavy-duty numerical computation
matplotlib free and open-source Python module within the NumPy / SciPy stack for plotting data
NetworkX free and open-source Python module for analysis and visualization of graphs
NumPy free and open-source Python module for numerical computation
PHP programming language that allows mixture of static HTML with dynamically generated HTML
Python versatile, easy-to-learn, interpreted programming language
SciPy free and open-source Python module for scientific computation; cousin of NumPy
subprocess free and open-source Python module for making system calls and interacting with the underlying OS