When I become familiar with a piece of software (or hardware, or tech service) and find it particularly worthwhile, I create an entry for it in this wiki. The entry is assigned one or more category tags to indicate its attributes. Within the entry text, internal links lead to other entries in the wiki and are shown in grey. External links, e.g., to wikipedia, are in blue.
To navigate:
⚬ click a category's button to show its entries
⚬ click it again to toggle off the filter
⚬ or click a second category to refine further
⚬ click an entry name to read about it
Categories: |
CLI | command-line interface |
code | programming languages, libraries, and tools |
FOSS | free and open-source software |
GNU | software from the GNU Project |
graphics | graphics software |
OS | operating systems |
parallel | parallel computing |
Python | (the programming language) |
scientific | scientific computing |
sysadmin | computer systems administration |
web | web servers, web development, etc. |
This wiki sprang into existence shortly after I migrated tedm.us to web frameworks Django and Bootstrap. Code and interface from the inward-facing web app I used to stay organized was easily adapted to a new use. The wiki also doubles as a reference for me when revisiting approaches I've tried in the past.